We can recover debts on a no success - no fee basis.
Mediation is simple and speedy.
Bringing together conflicting parties with a trained experienced mediator, avoids the expense and adverse publicity of litigation. Mediation facilitates simple and innovative solutions, and enables successful business relationships to continue. All of this is achieved at a low and predictable cost.
“One sided mediation” is where we are called in to help with problems, either internal or with another entity and we resolve by discussion rather than threat.
We often witness the commercial damage that prolonged proceedings and attendant publicity inflicts upon clients. Litigation is costly in money and management time, and it’s almost inevitable result is destruction or at best, lessening of the relationship between the parties.
Cowen Disputes Resolution Ltd was created in 2002. It is fully accredited to the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution in the UK and we are fully trained with years of experience as a mediator for commercial disputes.
Our dual background allows us to help both individuals and businesses come to effective, fast, low cost solutions to problems;, either by acting for one party or by being trusted by both of them as an “honest broker with no axe to grind”. All discussions and negotiations are conducted in complete confidentiality.
To help you understand the Mediation Process we have set up a page which has split it into 5 different steps for you. Go and check it out for yourself and if you have any question please get in contact.
We have a range of different rates for our services so please have a look for yourselves. We are sure you will find the perfect structure for you or your company.
Cowen Disputes Resolution Ltd and Anthony Cowen (‘the Mediator’) conduct all mediations under and subject to the Code of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (‘CEDR Solve’).
Have a read through our Terms & Conditions if you are interested in using our services. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask.